Saturday, December 5, 2015

淡水站一日游 One Day Trip At Tamsui (2)

因为来台湾有购买悠游卡~所以搭船到八厘左岸很方便. 只要像 Touch&Go 这样,就能上船 (不过卡里最好有钱, 船票也不会贵). 从淡水渡船头搭船至八里渡船头需 10分钟 不会久 就像过一个大河罢了~
Easycard in Taiwan is very useful (I like to use it when I'm in Taiwan), It's like Touch&Go can use at many place. So, to go Bali you can sit ferry from Tamsui using you Easycard. The price for ferry is not expensive and just need 10min to reach Bali.
Start the ferry 
票价 台币26元
ferry price only TWD 26
来到八厘左岸,你可以租脚车游. 一下船就能看到很多间租脚车店, 可以到处问问看价钱然后比比看. 还有不一样的脚车不一样价钱哦! 我租过四人车(很费力, 骑到每个人都很喘)与单人车. 在这里租脚车, 需抵押护照哦~
When you reach Bali, you can rent a bicycle for cycle around. Here have many shop renting bicycle, you can ask around for the price and compare. I have rent 4 people bicycle and 1 people bicycle.

Here is few place you can rent your bike. I rent it from here.
This is what I call 4 people bicycle.
八厘渡船头老街有几个很出名的美食那就是 “双胞胎”, 可以来尝尝.  从码头直走就会看到. 我发现他们是在问着脚车租费时路过的~ 这里一整排都是卖吃的~还有一个是芋泥饼 (我喜欢这个多过 双胞胎) 可以买几个路途吃!*呵呵*
The popular food in Bali is "Twins". You can just walk straight from the jetty, and you will see there selling many food, and the 1st shop is selling this twins (Taste like a donuts).  Besides there is a yam Biscuit (I like this more than the twins) ,  You can buy it while cycling. *hehe*

双胞胎 (很想甜甜圈)
Twins (like donuts)
芋泥饼 (外酥内软, 很好吃!)
Yam Biscuit. (Love it so much because outer part is crunchy while inner part is soft)

好啦~ 是时候介绍八厘啦~ 这里很大哦!! 一路上都可以看到海~ 其实我租脚车的目的想从八厘骑去关渡大桥.... 但实在是太遥远了~一路骑去,一路问人还有多远 . 不过很多人都跟我说快到了.... 实事上还有很远!!!所以骑到一半放弃了!
Now is time to cycle around Bali. You can see the sea along the road you cycle. Actually I go Bali cycle is to cycle to the Guandu Bridge. But when I cycle along the road, I keep asking people still got how far to reach Guandu Bridge, but all tell me very near. In the end, I give up and return back to Bali because too far for me.

The view along the way
Other Jetty

Ballet pose?

Damsui is at opposite!
骑着骑着, 突然看到一间店很多人在排队买咖啡~ 还有人拿着 Facebook 的 Like 手拍照, 觉得奇怪,就停下车看看, 问问. 原来这间店对我来说只是间咖啡店名叫 "妈妈嘴咖啡",但这人潮是因为这里曾经是双尸命案现场,所以才这么多人.
While you cycle to the Guandu Bridge, you will see many people lining up buying coffee. There is a quite popular coffee shop call "mother mouth coffee". Many people come here not because of their coffee, is because here is the place where murder case take place. That is why many people come for coffee.

Mother Mouth Coffee (direct translate *haha*)
Guandu bridge infront
不能了, 休息一下吧!
Tired and have a rest
骑回去另一边找吃~ 看到 八厘水岸有间CP 很高一下的四季餐厅! 不过没进去吃. 选了间帆船地中海风餐厅. 这里的设计风格我很喜欢! 有希腊风! 食物其实还好! *哈哈*
When cycle opposite direction, I saw a high CP restaurant name call Bali Four Season Restaurant. But I didnt not go in for it. I cycle to another restaurant name call Bali Sailboat Restaurant. I choose this restaurant because I like the design here. All the color is just blue and white~ make me feel relax. The food here is also not bad!

Bali Four Season Restaurant


Up stair also can see the view of danshui
叫了 下午套餐~ 不错吃!
Call a Set Lunch meal
吃饱后, 才搭船回去淡水逛淡水老街. 这里让我很放松,所以我才会,一二再,再而三的回来!
After food, I need to go sit ferry go back to Damshui. I sure will come back here again, because here let me feel relax.
I will be back again!
Rate : 10 / 10

For more information

1. 福州兩相好
地址 Address : 新北市八里區米倉村渡船頭街30號(八里渡船頭正對面)
营业时间 Operation Time : 9.00am - 10.00pm
必吃 Must Eat : 兩相好 / 雙胞胎 TWD15

2. 姊妹雙胞胎
地址 Address : 新北市八里區渡船頭街25號
营业时间 Operation Time : 9.00am - 8.00pm
必吃 Must Eat : 兩相好 / 雙胞胎 TWD15

3. 八里帆船咖啡廳 
地址 Address : 新北市八里區觀海大道93號
营业时间 Operation Time : 11.00am - 10.30pm
网页 Website :

4. 妈妈嘴咖啡
地址 Address : 新北市八里區龍米路二段86之9號
营业时间 Operation Time : 1.00pm - 8.00pm
网页 Website :

5. 水灣BALI 景觀餐廳
地址 Address : No. 229之9號, Zhongzheng Rd, Tamsui District, New Taipei City, Taiwan 251
营业时间 Operation Time : 11.30am - 11.00pm
网页 Website :

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