Tuesday, November 24, 2015

从野柳地质公园玩到九份 From Yehliu Geopark play till Jiufen

因为住靠近台北地铁站与台北车站,所以方便, 可以走路去台北车站开始我的巴士一日游. 来到台北车站看到许许多多的巴士,但因为知道自己的路线是要去野柳地质公园,就到国光客运购买往金山青年活动中心的巴士到野柳下车 (大约 20分钟一班车),所以不必担心.
Staying near to the Taipei metro station is a benefit, because you can go wherever you want just to walk to the station. So I decided to have a day of bus tour to Yehliu Geopark > Keelung > Jiufen. To go to Yehliu Geopark you need to go to the Taipei West Bus Station and buy the bus ticket to Yehliu. You can buy the ticket at the Kuo kuang bus counter. 

在台北车站的西边在. 如果你是在台北地铁站里面, 可以出 K12 出口, 转右.
Taipei West Bus Station. If you at the metro station, you can com out from K12 exit and turn right, you will see the door of west bus station
到国光部门买车票 (一个人大约 95元)
Kuo Kuang Bus counter buy ticket (Around TWD 95 / Pax)
然后看站牌, 跟站牌排队站, 我的是 國光客運1815號車
Then line up for the bus to come. My bus is No kuo kuang 1815
这个图,因该会明白. 如果你想去哪里,可以看看这个.
You can see this map to find the place you wanna go from the metro station or bus station

经过1 小时半的车程,司机放我们在野柳站下车 (上车时和司机说你要到的地点,司机到时才会叫你下车). 你可以看到明显的指标, 并且步行10分钟前往野柳地质公园. 步行途中会经过保安宫及野柳国小, 野柳地质公园位于野柳国小隔壁。 在这里就能看上 1个小时啦~ 太多东西拍了~
After 1 and the half hour of travelling, the bus driver drop us at the Yehliu stop (Remember to inform the place you want to go to the driver before start the journey, when reach the place, the driver will call you when reach). You will see a clear sign to the Yehliu Geopark. Walk straight about 10min you will the place you want to go.

野柳指标在对面,所以你要到对面去然后直走 10 分钟 就到.
Yehliu sign is at opposite, walk straight about 10 min you will reach.
View along the road
This is the Temple you can see while walking to Yehliu
Parking Place
Yehliu Geopark
The view from top.
And you can see many people (people mountain people sea *lolx* all full fill)
Different type of landscape
This is not the queen head
我迷失了方向, 这里太大啦!!
I have loss in here.
all weird landscape
这就是 “女王头”, 被围起来了
This is the qieen head.  Got feel?
You also can play water... 
Very hot (Not recommended to go on summer)
Some rock is also very colorful
逛完野柳地质公园后, 又是时候走出来到对面等巴士到基隆再转巴士到九份. 到了基隆你也能在附近逛逛. 然后到对面转巴士到九份(需过桥).
After that we went to Keelung for changing bus to Jiufen. Because there no bus straight away from Yehliu to Jiufen. So when you reach Keelung, you can walk around there.

Keelung Bus station
Walk around Keelung
You need to go opposite look for "ren chi clinic" below the bridge, There is the bus stop you can sit bus to Jiu Fen.

做了大约1 小时多的车程,终于到啦!这里出名芋圆. 所以来到这里就开始寻找芋圆吃. 还有这里的风景不错!!
After more than 1 hour ride, we finally reach. The view along Jiufen is nice, because Jiufen is located up hill~ Here very famous for Taro ball. I come here hunt for Taroball. *lolx*

The view during the bus travel up Jiufen
终于到了~ 看到这路口就能沿着这条路进去了~
The main entry and beside have toilet

Come here to have some meat ball~ (not bad)
这里卖很多吃的与手信 (凤梨酥)
Here got sell many souvenir  (Pineapple Cake) and food
去找芋圆吃发现可以的屋子~ 很多很可爱的脸
Discover a weird house with many different cute mask
 介绍两家我吃过,觉得好吃的芋圆店 Introduce two place to eat Taroball where I feel delicious.
1)阿柑姨的芋圆  - 芋圆很新鲜非常Q与香,不喜欢他的冰太粗了~风景不错,不过要吃,要爬很高!! (我与我爸爬了很久才到)
A Gan Yi Taroball - The Taroball is very fresh and delicious. the view also very nice. You can enjoy the view while eating the taroball. But I dont like their Ice, too big. If you want to come here eat, be prepare to climb up for it, because it located quite high.
阿柑姨的芋圆 有观景座位哦~可以去看看
You can come and find the place to see the view of jiufen
我叫了碗 综合冰 TWD 40
I buy and mix ice taroball TWD 40

The view of Jiufen
2)赖阿婆芋圆 - 芋圆非常Q,糖水也不错,刚刚好!
Lai Grandmother Taroball - Taroball is delicious and the read bean soup is nice too.

赖阿婆于圆也不错~我也叫了综合+ 红豆汤 TWD 40
At here i also call Mix Taroball with red bean soup TWD 40

到处逛逛~ 很多阶梯,要上上下下~ (当做运动咯)
Walk around. Here you need to climb up and down.
回程可以直接从九份 7-11 对面搭回程巴士回到台北车站 (2 小时)(如果巴士有给票,记得拿,因为如果你没拿到,他们会叫你下车. 如果没有就不用)
When back from Jiufen, you can straight go to 7-11 opposite sit bus back to Taiwan metro station. No need to change bus (2 hour ride). (If you go up the bus, they got give ticket, remember to take the ticket, because it's a headcount for them. If you didnt take, you will be kick out at the middle of noway.)

RATE :8/10

更多详情 For More Information

1) 野柳地质公园Yehliu Geopark
地址 Address : 20744台湾新北市万里区野柳港东路167-1号
入门票 Entrance Fee : 台币50元
营业时间 Operation Hours : Everyday 8.00am - 5.00pm
交通 Getting there :
在台北车站从K 12 出口到 国光西站A栋,搭国光客运“台北1815 金青中心” 到野柳(1.5 hr)在野柳风景区站下车,步行10min 前往野柳地质公园。
Go out from Taipei Metro Station K12 exit to Kuo Kuang West Bus Station and sit Kuo Kuang Bus No 1815 to Yeh Liu (about 1.30 hour) . Stop at YehLiu and walk straight (10min), you will see the yehliu Geopark on your left.

2) 九份 Jiufen
地址 Address : 新北市瑞芳區豎崎路、輕便路、基山街
入门票 Entrance Fee : Free
营业时间 Operation Hours : Everyday
交通 Getting there :
搭基隆客运 “基隆 1022 金山”到基隆客运终点站/ 基隆车站 (40 min),再从基隆车站坐基隆客运 1013 到九份 (40 min)or 小艇码头滨海广场走过天桥在桥下转搭水金九1013 / 788 到九份.
Sit Bus no 1022 from Yeh liu to Keelung (40 min) then change bus no 1013 / 788 to Jiufen (40min).

3) 阿柑姨芋圆
地址 Address : 新北市瑞芳区竖崎路5号
营业时间 Operation Hours : 9.00 am – 8.00 pm
交通 Getting there : 一直走到山顶就可以看到阿柑姨芋圆 Walk up to the top and you will see it.

4) 赖阿婆芋圆
地址 Address : 新北市瑞芳区基山街143号
营业时间 Operation Hours : 7.00 am - 9.00

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