Saturday, November 28, 2015

巴生日满冷气茶餐室吃鱼头 Houmoon Restaurant Eat Fish Head

Front view Of the shop

今天来到巴生日满冷气茶餐室吃鱼头 ~ 这间餐厅在巴生滨华国民型华文小学对面, 在 Boston 附近罢了~~这里的鱼头不错吃!
Today Come to Restoran Hou Moon to have a Fish Head meal. This shop located opposite SJK(C) Pin Hwa, near Boston Restoran. And the Fish Head hear is delicious. 

淡水站一日游 One Day Trip At Tamsui (1)

很多人都知道淡水这个地方. 但大家有没有听过八呢?*哈哈* 所以我今天要介绍这两个地方~ 不错玩,可以玩整天  (我放了两个季节的照片, 不要觉得奇怪, 因为要整理下 Blog, 所以就把他们放一起)!当然,来到淡水可以搭地铁到达~ 但如果想到渔人码头, 要在捷运站前转接駁公车红26到淡水渔人码头.
Many people go Taiwan travel will know where is Tamsui (also know as Danshui), but do you know where is Bali in Taiwan (Not in Indonesia). So, Today I want to introduce this two place (Danshui and Bali ), because you can play whole day by just visiting this two place! (Please ignore my picture different weather, because go too many time and want to compile into one post only). If you want to go Danshui, it's very to reach, you can sit metro to Danshui Metro Station but if you want to go to Dan shui Lover's Bridge, you need to change bus No 26 to Dan shui Lover's Bridge from Danshui Metro Station.
Danshui Metro Station

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

从野柳地质公园玩到九份 From Yehliu Geopark play till Jiufen

因为住靠近台北地铁站与台北车站,所以方便, 可以走路去台北车站开始我的巴士一日游. 来到台北车站看到许许多多的巴士,但因为知道自己的路线是要去野柳地质公园,就到国光客运购买往金山青年活动中心的巴士到野柳下车 (大约 20分钟一班车),所以不必担心.
Staying near to the Taipei metro station is a benefit, because you can go wherever you want just to walk to the station. So I decided to have a day of bus tour to Yehliu Geopark > Keelung > Jiufen. To go to Yehliu Geopark you need to go to the Taipei West Bus Station and buy the bus ticket to Yehliu. You can buy the ticket at the Kuo kuang bus counter. 

在台北车站的西边在. 如果你是在台北地铁站里面, 可以出 K12 出口, 转右.
Taipei West Bus Station. If you at the metro station, you can com out from K12 exit and turn right, you will see the door of west bus station

到台湾穷游需要什么? Information backpack In Taiwan

想要在台湾穷游的 “同鞋们” 可以申请 / 购买 / 下载 以下这几样东西, 能方便各位在台湾 “趴趴走”!
If you want to backpack in Taiwan, you can register / buy / download the things to easy you travel in Taiwan .

Monday, November 16, 2015

RM700 一个人到棉兰 - 多巴湖豪华之旅 RM700/Pax to Medan Laketoba (2)

到了TukTuk码头, 我住宿的员工与几只狗带我们到民宿去 (还有狗接我们),我们订的民宿是 霍拉斯家庭别墅. 这间民宿不错住~ 很多东西能做与relax. 多巴湖的天气很凉爽, 不会晒, 但会被晒伤 ,所以如果要出去玩记得搽防晒油~
After reach Tuk Tuk pier, the worker help use carry our luggage and the dog of the guesthouse also will come and welcome us. We book Horas Family Home. The services is 5 star and the activity during the stay also very fun + the food also very nice! Is a relaxing place and fun place to stay. In laketoba, the weather is nice~ windy and cold, but you will easily get sun burn... So please make sure you put some sun block before go out to play.

码头直走就会看到这个 Tourist information, 左边去 Tomok, 右边去我的住宿
When you reach the pier, you can walk straight and you will see a tourist information infront you. If you turn left go to Tomok, if you turn right is go Horas Family Home.

RM700 一个人到棉兰 - 多巴湖豪华之旅 RM700/Pax to Medan Laketoba (1)

因为机票便宜所以就买了几张机票跟家人到多巴湖 3 天2夜游~ 我们在这次的旅程
一共用了RM3500,所以一个人大概少过RM700 (包到完). 虽然有点小贵~ 但这次的旅程我觉得值得!!
Plan a trip to Laketoba with family for 3 Day 2 Night using RM3500 for the whole family. So mean one person around RM700 (All including). What you all think? expensive or cheap? For me I think it's worth for it.
This is my Laketoba Budget
这个是我的 3天2夜大概的价钱用处

Saturday, November 7, 2015

被广州石室圣心大教堂吸引 Have A Visit To Sacred Heart Cathedral (Guangzhou)

大家知道在中国有中国风味的建筑物~那,如果我说中国有外国风味的建筑物,大家因该会去看看吧~ 所以这次石室圣心大教堂是我来到中国广州,必去看看的景点之一. 
In china, there have many china feel old building~ If I say in china, there is also a gothic building in China, I'm sure all of you will go to have a visit there. So this time i go Guang Zhou , Sacred Heart Cathedral is in my must visit list plan~